Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Weekend Recap: Wino

This past weekend was a perfect mix of relaxation and productivity.  On Saturday I headed about 40 minutes west of St. Louis to "Missouri Wine Country" to celebrate one of my good friend's bachelorette parties!  It was a mini reunion of sorts as I met my friend X at my old advertising agency and much of the party was also from our old agency.

X, the bride to be and the awesome LED pole.  \
X's mom may have suggested hand sanitizer when we got on...

It was so great to catch up with the girls, some who still work there and others who have gone corporate, like myself, or continued onto other agencies.  We used to joke that because the agency life was so full of fresh faces that each new batch of hires was like another pledge class coming in.  This was our pledge class reunion for sure.

It's interesting because even though I've only known these girls for 3+ years, they really know me exceptionally well because unlike a spouse, boyfriend or best friend, I literally spent 40+ (definitely more like ++) hours a week with this crew, more face to face quality time than I did with any of the aforementioned.  As a group we talked through first apartments, graduating from roommates to living alone or with boyfriends.  The skeptical talk of marriage and careers and then eventual development of both.

some of the pledge class
Now lots of us are married, most fairly recently, and some even have kiddos.  It's kind of special to see that much growth in someone you care about in such a short period of time.  With sisters and boyfriends and even best friends it always seems more gradual. Sorry for being a cornball.

At any rate, I had a fabulous time with these ladies and can't wait to see X get married on New Years (I know, so fun!!) so we can do it all over again.

Sunday, D and I got up at the crack of dawn! OK so only new 7/old 8am. BUT we worked all day and I'm happy to say that all the trim in the house is FINALLY done.  What a boring job! No more whining about this not being done now.

D was in charge of a slightly more mind numbing task - scraping paint from the freshly painted wooden window frames with a razor.  Can you say kill me now?  Eek.  If you should ever want to attempt this - and I will say it does look 10X better - here's my recco: wet the paint/windowpane with some warm soapy dishwater before you start scraping  and invest in one of these scraper guys for $2 at home depot that actually holds the blade for you.  It still takes a long time but this makes it a little easier to get off and hold on to.

I also worked on another fun spray paint project, as well as something for the dining room.  More on those projects this week!

PS go vote! duh.

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