via. very similar to the cart we got for the den,
except ours is way older and needs some serious TLC.
via. closer to the look we're going for in the bedroom.
We already had some canvas laundry hampers that we purchased at target a long time ago that we currently use to separate our whites and darks. For this project, I grabbed some Martha Stewart paint in navy at Michaels along with some stenciling letters, stenciling brushes and some spray adhesive for stenciling.
i loved the old school traditional stencil look of these, and the size was perfect!
This project was easy-peasy and probably only took 10 minutes tops. I just cut the corner stencil down a bit, sprayed the adhesive on the back of the stencil and centered it in the middle of the hamper. I then grabbed my stencil brush and dipped it into the paint on a small paper plate I had and lightly dabbed the fabric surface - starting from the outside edges of the stencil and working in.
stuck on, pre paint!
All in all, the adhesive did a pretty good job creating a barrier between the interior paint area and exterior non painted space. If anything my minor goof up was that I cut the letter a little close on one side (the lower case W was creeping in!) and didn't give myself enough of an overhang. The paint that did run over on the W was easily removed with a Tide pen.
finished product!
Considering that I put in only 10 minutes with minimal tools that I'll likely use again, I'd say this was a quick and easy win! And to top it off our house guests noticed and commented on it right away when we were giving a tour! Glad to know I'm not the only one that loves fun details!
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