Friday, August 31, 2012

Don't Rain on My Parade...Err BBQ....

So we had big plans for this long weekend including several dinners out with friends (preferably al fresco) and a little BBQ on Sunday but this guy is getting in the way...

hurricane Isaac takes his sweet time through the midwest
It's expected to pretty much be here all weekend which is a total bummer.  BUT it gives me the opportunity to work on a few fun DIY projects that I've been putting off, mostly because they aren't on the massive to do list.  Instead they are on the "do this while watching a good movie with a glass of wine" list.  I'm excited though because with the rain coming in I won't feel any guilt when I don't pick up my paint brush (or paint gun for that matter) or pull any ivy (more on that highly unenjoyable project next week) and the end result should be some of those fun surprise details in a house that really make it feel like a home - yes I realize how corny that sounds.
via maybe some of this for the dining room, still TBD, white canvases at
BOGO this weekend at Michaels...
via maybe making one of these guys. i have several of these from ikea
via contemplating one of these for the kitchen - actually already hung one
 up to see what it would look like.  needs seriously zhushing
Hope your weekend is productive, full of friends and dry!


  1. I really like the idea of gold dots on a big canvas. It's an easy (and fast) way to add some interest to the room.

    (If you're interested, I'm giving away a $100 gift card to Shopbop. Enter here!)

    1. hey girl! thanks so much for the comment! I entered the giveaway - it looks great!
