Monday, November 12, 2012

Weekend Recap: Den Makeover Part 1

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!  We were pretty busy this weekend with two main projects: tackling the insane amount of leaves that have accumulated in both our front and back yards, AND making a plan for the den!

After spending roughly 6 hours on Saturday, we got the front yard 80% cleared of leaves but unfortunately didn't even touch the back.  This was due largely in part to a LONG trip to Home Depot where we purchased (hopefully) our final batch of crown molding and baseboards.  With this purchase, we've officially purchased/installed crown and base throughout the entire house except in the kitchen (which we hope to completely gut and possibly expand in the next 18 months) the 4th bedroom (which is just small and honestly mostly finished so we don't want to mess with it) and the basement (who cares!).

This is such a milestone for us and a big step towards feeling "finished" with some of the projects we started 6 months ago now.  Next weekend my amazing brother in law (who installed all our baseboards as seen here) will install the final crown and base in the upstairs hall, D's office (missing the base), den hall and den!

In preparation for the den work we finally took the plunge and painted. Originally the den looked like this, a dark tan.

closing day pic!

I don't mind it too much and honestly it's very close to the color we had in our old house's living room/dining room.  The problem was that despite three large windows and a huge sliding glass door, this room is pretty dark naturally.  The two windows that flank the fireplace have a lot of brush outside them causing a shady tree house effect and the dark fireplace doesn't help matters.

So enter the plan to brighten this space up!  Last week we checked out several paint colors and settled on Glidden's White Lagoon.  We wanted something that was "white with a hint of light-grey-blue-ish-ness"  I think this meets the mark but I'll admit that it was rather alarming seeing it all go up.


before with test samples on the wall
left side is up! sleeping dog
after - way brighter, except for that fireplace...
yay new paint color, BOO dark fireplace!
So as you can see, we still have some work ahead of us painting that fireplace but from what I read, it shouldn't be too hard.  Next weekend the crown goes up - which explains that lack of cutting in on the ceiling, we followed the painting process as last time we installed crown.
So this Monday leaves me anxious for next Saturday when we begin the end of the crown/base project!  I leave you with some awesome uses of White Lagoon - I can only hope our finished product looks this good!
glidden white lagoon and glidden white on white stripes

1 comment:

  1. Kate, Idk if it's just my puter or what, but I don't get the pics of the den (before and aft). Anxious to see how that turned out!

    9 days and counting....
