What with the constant travel this summer for work and fun, I think it was hard for us both to remember that this feeling would finally come - the constant to do lists with "MUST GET DONES" would subside and that we'd be left with a smaller, "should get done...eventually" list and a house we're proud to invite people to.
We were finally able to relish some of that sweet feeling with the Olympics party this past Friday. We had lots of Americana going on all over the house - I scored most of our decks from the Hobby Lobby 4th of July sale for 80% off and supplemented with some Olympics printables. Glow sticks, flags and hamburgers at the ready we watched the sometimes-baffling opening ceremonies with some key friends and fam.
chandelier decks in the dining room
official London Olympics posters at the front
mini flags EVERYWHERE
it took me awhile to hang this puppy
the kitchen decks complete with AMERICA sign found for 80% off, I'm already pumped for the 4th
It was so fun to share our plans and progress with family and was a great kick off to a weekend of Olympics watching and sun.
We also got to hang out with our sweet nephew S, not once but twice this weekend! He cheered on the US at our house on Friday and we got to babysit him Saturday and got a taste of babydom. We learned that two year olds have expert hearing, and that we're super lucky to have the mix of carpet and hardwood in the house. We also checked out the pool for the first time with S and found that the lazy river was a happy compromise for all three of us.
The weather was SOOO gorgeous on Saturday, it was like a crazy reprieve from all this insane heat and humidity. The pool was perfect and surprisingly not crowded! That evening while enjoying a homemade watermelon margarita popsicle (recipe from here and SUPER delicious) we thought we'd see if we could push our luck with the good weather and entertaining luck from the night before and try to rile up a group to watch a movie outdoors. We found some takers and fired up our projector and enjoyed the almost crisp air and the Jack Black/Owen Wilson/Steve Martin flick, The Big Year. It was not what I was expecting but good none the less.
movie on the garage
We also set up this awesome chandelier my in laws got me for my birthday awhile back. It was a fun pop of light hanging in the dress while we watched the movie.
it has 3 layers but we only filled 2 of them up. lesson learned, need bigger, slower dripping candles
All in all, this weekend was AWESOME and for some reason totally unexpected. I think we forgot how to enjoy ourselves for a bit there, which sounds completely crazy. We'll keep forging on in our improvements and trial/error home ownership but we're definitely going in the right direction focusing on the things that truly make up a well lived life.
ReplyDeleteThat new table you bought...put it in the living room (not hiding behind your sofa in the FM). You need to keep the LVR nice and airy. Book cases go to the FM....