I'll share more later but I think I'm finally starting to figure out what the new normal is with a somewhat new job (same company, totes new position!), crazy travel schedule and trying to drive forward the million different house/life projects running through my head. I am very much feeling that this is not so much my anthem but def my life theme right now.
I'm trying to make a list of all that has transpired between today and Dec. 17 (the last post I had) and will def catch you all up on whatever was interesting - not to leave out the final Christmas Party decks - ah I loved it all, the full skinny on how to paint a fireplace, some new window treatments I'm working on with my brother in law (hello dentil cornice!) an update to the party closet and so much more!
In the mean time, I'm lusting over a fabulously lush and intimate garden space that I'm hoping I can pinch some pennies for in the very near future. The piece de resistance for this beauty? A FABULOUS paver patio with a big ol' French country table.
I need some sun on my face stat, but in the mean time, here's what's fillin' up what little space is left in my noggin!

a few pots of these, that could be moved to new said patio and back inside come next fall. These were ALL over the villa we stayed at for our honeymoon in Italy.via.

pavers + stripes and fresh green please. via.

a brother in law special on one of these - but 15 ft. long via

4 packs of these via.
what on earth have ya'll been up to?